Little time for posting in the last few days. We have been working up the new A Cat prototype, venturing out gradually in stronger winds and pushing harder. This clip is more of the same: skippers eye view. Some images and footage from off the boat will be posted shortly.The programme so far has been...Read More
Another very satisfying milestone today: First sail of the new A Cat prototype. A grey day on the Harbour with light winds building toward only six to eight knots. Flat water and no traffic. Worked through the list of checks and maneuvers to prove the most critical structural attachments and fittings.That fantastic feeling of sheeting...Read More
Some sneak images of the A Cat prototype fitout… In house machined tramp buttons, gudgeons, foil bearings and other details. The rest is Harken.Read More
Finishing and assembly phases on the first A Cat platform. Validating important choices both technical and logistical. As explained in the brief, each choice has several components and must strike a balance between performance, reliability, durability, cost and being repeatable in a scaleable production context. Building information into the tooling is vital to keeping production hours within...Read More
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