
Following the feature in the Australian Financial Review, some more interest was picked up by the Australian press. Here is an interview with Founder and CTO Dario Valenza (the segment starts at 9min 20sec): And companion article: Drone venture Carbonix lands $6.3 million seed round
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Carbonix recognised by the Australian Financial Review on occasion of some significant milestones for the business. For more than 65 years The Australian Financial Review has been the authority on business, finance and investment news in Australia. It has a reputation for independent, award-winning journalism and is essential reading for Australia’s business and investor community....
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Honeywell identifies Domani as the leading craft to integrate its new small form-factor airborne satellite communication hub. Radio communication range is a limiting factor for efficient fixed-wing drones. Carbonix already offers a mesh radio network that can practically extend range. But where such infrastructure can’t be put in place, satellite connectivity is the only alternative....
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As already mentioned, being able to ‘mix and match’ different airframe elements is vital to satisfying different specific mission requirements. The base structural component is what we call the ‘wing-box’ which is effectively the central fuselage and inboard wing-roots including the main carry-through spar.
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Airframe Development, A Path of Continuous Improvement At Carbonix we are passionate about sharing what we do with those who are similarly fascinated by high performance materials and fluid dynamics. Advancing the state-of-the art is an absorbing process of interrogating nature, testing new ideas, and learning through observation. We know we are not the only...
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Drone regulation – Thoughts from a Manufacturer The ongoing and nuanced discussion about drone regulation is rightly centered on operators’ responsibilities – addressed through measures such as licensing and restrictions.  Specifically making sure procedures, risk assessments and training are in place as well as provisions specific to the airspace where the mission is to be...
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As our Moth bowsprits gain widespread use, it is interesting to reflect on the development process. Like many projects completed by Carbonix, our approach was to narrowly focus on specific issues and address them gradually with iterated design solutions.  Each step being tested on the racetrack where valuable feedback was gathered to determine the next...
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Familiar elements of our environment often reveal, on close inspection, insights that can inform us when designing machines intended to perform in similar circumstances. Where designers have the ability to start from scratch, cumulatively selected natural structures show how an efficient arrangement can emerge from an arbitrary starting point, with a limited ‘kit of parts’....
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As Carbonix approaches its fifth birthday, here is a selection of images portraying the things we have created this year.
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‘Drone’ is now a buzzword in the tech world.  We read every day about new uses, across a steadily growing range of industries.  And as players start the battle to claim their piece of the ‘early adopter’ drone pie, it’s important to understand that not all drones are created equal.
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